歌曲简介 作词:佚名 作曲:佚名 专辑曲目:?01.爱的路上千万里 Ten million miles on the love road02.随缘(国语)-难道真的我能忘记你 Let it be03.爱在深秋 Love in the late autumn04.往事随风 Past goes with the wind05.命中注定 Destined in the fate06.海上花 The flowers on the sea07.花祭 Fiesta to the flowers08.阿弥陀佛在心间 Amitabha in the heart09.给爱 My love to my lover10.爱的箴言 Motto of love11.再回首 Look back again12.矜持 Missish13. Five hundred miles 离家五百里14.不再让你孤单 No longer let you feel lonely15.晚霞(原创) Rosy sunset