Linkin Park – Iridescent

歌曲简介 作词:Linkin Park 作曲:Linkin Park When you were standing in the wake of devastation   站立在浩劫复苏的大地上When you were waiting on the edge of the unknown   徘徊于虚暗未知的边缘   With the cataclysm raining down   暴雨将至Insides crying “save me now”   灵魂深处传来哭喊  You were there impossibly alone   你已是唯一的幸存  Do you feel cold and lost in desperation   你是否感受到这绝望的零度   You build up hope but failure’s all you’ve known   徒手筑梦;又只等幻灭   Remember all the sadness and frustration   就让这天启浩劫来的更悲更绝  And let it go let it go   然后放任自在;随意飘斜   ?And in the burst of light that blinded every angel   飞离四散的创世光华灼穿了天使的双眼;   As if the sky had blown the heavens into stars   劫云翻卷碎星;尘辉洞破天堂   You felt the gravity of tempered grace falling into empty space   神明最后的恩典亦与你擦肩;坠向无边   No one there to catch you in their arms   启示之后 再无庇护   Do you feel cold and lost in desperation   你是否触摸到无助的冰冻   You build up hope but failure’s all you’ve known   手指战栗着托起最后的祈祷?Remember all the sadness and frustration   记住你所遭遇的一切   And let it go let it go   而后随众生轮回寂灭



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