Céline Dion英文流行金曲《Have You Ever Been In Love》[FLAC格式]

在1968年3月30日,Celine Dion这个歌声兼浑厚与柔美於一身的天生歌手诞生於加拿大魁北克省的Charlemagne 市(位於蒙特娄东边30英哩)。说她是个天生歌手,一点也不为过,早在五岁(1973)的稚龄,Celine早就参加了加拿大所举办的一个法国传统歌谣大赛。在这期间,她的天赋愈来愈耀眼,在12岁(1980)的年纪,就在魁北克音乐经纪人Rene Angelil的赞助下灌录了她生平的第一张唱片,优异的演唱技巧让许多乐评对这位年纪轻轻的小女孩刮目相看。

Have you ever been in love

You could touch the moonlight

When your heart’s shooting stars

You’re holding heaven in your arms

Have you ever been so in love

Have you ever walked on air

Ever felt like you were dreamin’

When you never thought it could

But it really feels that good

Have you ever been so in love

Have you ever been in love

You could touch the moonlight

When your heart’s shooting star

You’re holding heaven in your arms

Have you ever been in love’ have you…

The time I spent

Waiting for something that was heaven-sent

When you find it don’t let go’

I know

Have you ever said a prayer

And found that it was answered

All my hope has been restored

And I ain’t looking anymore

Have you ever been so in love’ have you…

Some place that you ain’t leavin’

Somewhere you’re gonna stay

When you finally found the meanin’

Have you ever felt this way

The time I spent

Waiting for something that was heaven-sent

When you find it’ don’t let go’

I know…

Coz have you ever been so in love’ so in love

You could touch the moonlight

You can even reach the stars

Doesn’t matter near or far

Have you ever been so in love

Have you ever been in love

Have you ever been in love

So in… love…




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