skid row – 18 and life

歌曲简介 作词:Bolan, Sabo 作曲:Bolan, Sabo Ricky was a young boy, He had a heart of stone.?瑞其是一个稚气少年,铁石心肠。?Lived 9 to 5 and worked his fingers to the bone.?朝九晚五,压榨自己艰辛工作。?Just barely got out of school, came from the edge of town.?早早退学,来自城市的边界。?Fought like a switchblade so no one could take him down.?像弹簧刀一样凶架,没人是他的对手。?He had no money, oooh no good at home?身无分文,也不是个好儿子。?He walked the streets a soldier and he fought the world alone?像士兵一样走在街头,独自抵抗着世界。?And now it′s?而现在?18 and life You got it?你拥有 18岁和生命?18 and life you know?18岁和生命 你知道的?Your crime is time and it′s?而你的罪过只是时间18 and life to go?还有18岁和生命作为筹码?????Tequila in his heartbeat, His veins burned gasoline.?龙舌兰酒在他心脏中烧灼,他的血脉仿佛汽油在燃烧。?It kept his motor running but it never kept him clean?这让他驾着的摩托车彻夜轰鸣,这从来不会让他保持清净。?They say he loved adventure, “Ricky′s the wild one.”?他们说他喜欢冒险,“瑞其是一个狠角色”?He married trouble and had a courtship with a gun?他将暴动与枪支当做自己的另一半。Bang Bang Shoot ′em up, The party never ends?砰——砰—— 开枪!派对永不散场。?You can′t think of dying when the bottle′s your best friend?当酒精成为了你最好的朋友,你绝不会意识到还有终将来临的死亡。?And now it′s?而现在?18 and life You got it?你拥有 18岁和生命?18 and life you know?18岁和生命 你知道Your crime is time and it′s?而你的罪责是时间18 and life to go?你还有18岁和生命作为抵抗????”Accidents will happen”?“会出事的”they all heard Ricky say?他们都听见瑞其说?He fired his six-shot to the wind?他扣下扳机that shot blew a child away.?他的六响枪永远带走了那个孩子???18 and life You got it?你拥有18岁和生命?18 and life you know?18岁和生命 你知道Your crime is time and it′s?而你的罪恶即是时间18 and life to go?你 有18岁和生命去偿还



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